VLOG: My Last Day in Few Days in Tokyo

I've been trying to get these vlogs out forever, I've had so many camera issues that it's been nearly impossible, but finally, I'm here with some vlogs! I can't say I have any photo's to go with this, but the vlogs are pretty long so I hope it compensates for that!

Amanda and I did a lot in my last few days. Here's a brief checklist of some of the wondrous activities taking place in these vlogs:

  •  Eating Korean shaved ice
  •  Playing MOMOLAND in an electronics store
  •  Buying several squishies
  •  Conveyer belt sushi
  •  Checking out a flower shop
  •  Moving out

... and much more! I hope you enjoy these vlogs, the conclusion to my Japan trip (aka my flight home) will be coming within the next week.