This post is particularly special because this event comes once a year.
March 20th, 2016 marks the day that I returned from spring break with a box of red velvet cake in hand. I brought it up under the guise that it was a cake for roommate's birthday, but I whispered to the bakery staff to write "Be Mine?' in blue icing. I walked into Vincent's room and my nerves melted away as he gave me a hug.
Placing the box on his bed I stood there with my coat on as he talked about his break, pacing excitedly around his room. "You have to try this cake" I tried to rope the conversation in the direction of the box sitting on top of his comforter, but he was too animated to notice my subtle nudges. I cut the string with my key and opened the box from the top up, presenting it to Vinny with a faux cool "Would you be my boyfriend?"
March 20th marks the day that he said yes to my proposal and to my cake.
Sitting in his dorm eating a slice of cake that day, I could have never predicted how far we would come together. I could have never predicted that we would sit through a six-month stint of video calling every morning and every night, running on both Japanese and American time.
I could have never predicted how he would lift me up through the roughest waters I'd ever seen, and calmly build me back up piece by piece so carefully that it felt natural. He helped me flourish into a confident and loving person, then said it was all me.
I'll be frank. On March 20th, 2016 I was in a bad place. I had just escaped a worse place, but I wasn't myself anymore. I was in a strange, unfeeling place that I thought I would be left floating in for the rest of my life.
We sit here hand in hand three years later, so happy that I can't remember what it was like to be so down, and I recognized that I have so many blessings in my life.
The college chapter of our lives that first introduced us is now coming to a close. In this time of change, it can be hectic thinking about where you'll end up next, what career you want, and who you are as an adult. I have my family, my friends, and the love of my life as a rock to keep me forever grounded and ready for the next adventure.
Happy 3 year anniversary Vincent! Here's to many more amazing memories.