This year I took a surprising amount of photos, despite feeling like I haven't done much. There are a few I never got around to scanning and sharing, so I thought I'd compile them in a post here and share a bit about them in a caption.
Taken back in February when I was in Cassis. Despite it being February, the south of France was so warm we ended up taking our jackets off. |
Posing by the water, which was the coldest water I have ever felt!
 | Guillaume and I in Aix, taken by a nice English speaking stranger. Apologies for the wonky scan, I could not get this picture straight!
I went apple/vegetable picking with friends in the late fall. It was beautiful weather and such a fun time. |
Allison in the vegetable fields. The eggplants were the most fun to pick. |
Alexia playing guitar as we snacked at the picnic tables after a long day of picking vegetables. |
Posing at the Airbnb I stayed in with Kristina and Joanna a few months ago |
This post is short, but I think it summarizes my year pretty well! I hope to take even more photos in 2021!
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