My Big Move to Dijon, France

Hello everyone! 
Earlier this week, I boarded a one way flight to Paris, France, with my final destination being Dijon. I managed to capture a bit of footage of my journey and wanted to share it here with all of you, along with some details on travel to France post COVID.I think I expected this jour…

Japanese-French Youtube Channels To Subscribe To!

Breaking news: My big move to France is only 14 days away! Bags are being packed, jobs are being wrapped up, and everything is coming to a close. With all this change, I've taken a look at my Youtube subscriptions to try and tailor the content I'm watching to my target languages: Japanese a…

Turning 24

Last year on my 23rd birthday we were all stuck at home, so going out and hitting the town for my 24th was a bit of an adjustment in a lot of ways. An adjustment of trying to feel comfortable in a crowd again, and also an adjustment in finding peace with the path I'm on in my mid 20's. 