Exploring Bermuda and Turning 27

I know this post is long overdue! Life has been a whirlwind lately, but I'm excited to finally catch you all up. Over the next few posts, I'll be sharing highlights from the past few months, starting with one of the most memorable experiences—my birthday trip to Bermuda!

In July, my mom was asked to travel to Bermuda for a work trip, and I happily volunteered to tag along as her 'emotional support kid'. We timed it perfectly to align with the week of my 27th birthday, so it felt like the ultimate "Mom and Me" getaway. I think I've been to Bermuda once before, during a cruise when I was a teenager, but honestly, I wasn’t even sure if that was Bermuda—so I was eager to experience it with fresh eyes.

I was surprised it was only 2 hours away from New York, because when we landed it felt like we were on the other side of the world! The first thing that caught my attention was the vibrant blue water. As our taxi whisked us to our Airbnb, Mom couldn’t stop marveling at the views.

Mom and I stayed in the Hamilton area, which is the main strip that has a lot of shopping, bars, and restaurants. We had our first meal the The Pickled Onion, which was absolutely delicious -- but one thing immediately stood out to me: the PRICE! 

I was shocked when an appetizer of chips and guac came to a whopping $29 Bermudian dollars (which is equivalent to $29 USD). After a quick Google search, I learned that Bermuda is one of the most expensive places in the world!

While the daytime was hot, the evenings were nice and cool, and Mom and I walked along the water a bit to admire the full moon. I’ve never lived on an island before, but in Bermuda, you really feel how close-knit and intimate the community is.

The locals were incredibly warm and friendly, striking up conversations easily. Life moves at a slower pace here, which definitely took some getting used to at first. Boats and buses didn’t always run on time, but by the 5th day, I was going with the flow. 

During our 10-day stay, I picked up on some fun facts about Bermuda and discovered a few places I’d love to revisit. Hamilton was a great base for exploring, but we ventured out to see more of what the island had to offer. 

One thing I learned very quickly about Bermuda is that the island has its own unique rhythm—especially on Sundays. The island essentially shuts down, as most people spend time with their families or head to church. 

Mom and I decided to visit the Bermuda Botanical Gardens that day, and when I say it was deserted, I mean deserted! It was just us and a few wild chickens running around. Walking through the empty gardens was a bit eerie, like we had the entire place to ourselves. At one point, a couple strolled by, and I’ll admit, we felt a bit relieved to see other humans!

Among some of the activities we did was a beach smores session at Snorkel Park, which had free entry and seemingly unlimited smores. They had a DJ blasting music a bit too loudly for our ears, so once we had had our fill of marshmallows Mom and I snuck off to the beach area to look for shells and enjoy the beautiful sunset. Mom ended up getting a good handful of both shells and coral to take back home.

Now, I’m not usually one for pricey typical tourist attractions, but visiting the Crystal Caves was an absolute must-do, and it turned out to be one of the highlights of our trip. According to our guide, the limestone caves have been forming for millions of years, and they work hard to make sure the area is preserved.  

The most unexpected part of the tour? At one point, the guide led us to a platform, turned off all the lights, and left us standing in complete pitch-black darkness to simulate what it was like when the cave was first 'discovered' many years ago. That was surprisingly terrifying... 

Mom and I had the luck of being in Bermuda during one of their biggest events called Harbour Nights. This is when they close the main strip and allow vendors to set up shop and sell different food, art, and jewelry! I'm not really a knick-knack person so I didn't buy anything, but if you love collectibles or are looking for some souvenirs, this is your prime spot. 

If you're in Bermuda during July it's a really cool event! My favorite part was the cultural dance group coming out in the middle and performing a 10-minute show, which we watched from the balcony of a restaurant. 

As our trip was coming to an end, we wanted to make sure we’d seen every corner of the island, so we booked a five-hour bus tour. This turned out to be one of the best decisions of the trip! Our guide, Tim, was fantastic—he’s lived in Bermuda for over 30 years and knew everything about the island. 

We explored a variety of beaches, tried out a restaurant on the far side of the island, and got to ask Tim all our questions. It felt like we were getting a true insider’s perspective on life in Bermuda, and he was even kind enough to drop us back near our hotel at the end.

On my birthday, I decided to go to Horseshoe Bay, known for its pink sand beaches. While it’s a major tourist attraction, I have to admit this was probably the least exciting part of our trip. 

The beach was packed with tourists, and everything was overpriced—from the umbrellas to the beach chairs. We stayed for about three hours before calling it quits and heading back to our hotel. I was lying there on the sand when I suddenly remembered that I don't really like the beach very much!

If I could do it all over again, I’d skip Horseshoe Bay and seek out one of the smaller, quieter beaches tucked away around the island. I’d also bring a packed lunch and sit in the shade.

For my birthday dinner, we decided to dine at the 1609 Restaurant at the Hamilton Princess. I found this place while googling restaurants before we even flew to Bermuda, and the setting looked absolutely gorgeous. It was even better in person. We had a stunning view of the water, and the restaurant had that elegant, upscale vibe. 

While the food was good, I wouldn’t say it was my favorite meal on the island. That award goes to Deja View, which was hands down the best place I tried! It's located right on Front Street and I swear everything they make it amazing. I don't have photos simply because I inhaled my food every time we went there, but trust me!

Still, I had a nice meal with a delicious dessert, try the Quatro Leches if you ever go! 

Somehow, my mom managed to surprise me with candles and sparklers! I have no idea how she pulled that off because we were literally together every second of every day on this trip, so I guess I'll chalk it up to Mom magic. I was very touched and all the wait staff signed a little card for me saying 'Happy Birthday', which was sweet. 

I had such a wonderful time on this girls' trip, and celebrating my 27th birthday on an island with my mom felt incredibly special. It was one of those experiences that made me stop and reflect on how grateful I am. 

As for turning 27, I have a feeling this is going to be a year of stability. I'm living back at home after being abroad for a few years, I'm engaged to be married next year, am just starting my big girl job post-Masters degree, etc. This may be the year where I really lock things down and hit my stride. 

Only time will tell, for now, I'll see you in the next post :)