A Day Trip to New Milford, CT

As someone who doesn’t drive, I tend to stick close to Metro-North or subway lines when traveling. This often means that places just two or three hours away by train (but a much shorter distance by car) end up on my Google Maps bucket list—destinations I dream about but never actually visit. But re…

Where I've Been: New Job, New Friends, New Me?

Despite being someone who's gone through a lot of change in the past three years, I don't think I handle it all that well. I’m the type who likes to juggle a million things at once, constantly adding more to my plate if I feel like I'm not doing "enough." Then, before I know i…

Exploring Bermuda and Turning 27

I know this post is long overdue! Life has been a whirlwind lately, but I'm excited to finally catch you all up. Over the next few posts, I'll be sharing highlights from the past few months, starting with one of the most memorable experiences—my birthday trip to Bermuda!In July, my mom was …

Back in New York - 1 Month Later

I've been a bit MIA recently and this blog post is long overdue, so here I am! At the very end of April, I decided it was time to head home and conclude my adventures in France in favor of job hunting back home in NY. It wasn't an easy choice, especially since I had to return alone and leav…

We're Engaged! & Future Plans

Hello! I have some news I'd like to share. If you have me on my personal socials you may have seen the photos, but this post is to confirm to everyone that I'm engaged!Guillaume and I have been together for almost 4 years now, and the topic of marriage has come up many times in our relation…

Spending Fall in Paris

November is upon us, which means the weather is getting exceptionally chilly! For those of you living in Europe, you may have experienced the insane winds and rain we've had this past week due to Storm Ciaran. Please stay safe everyone!
I wanted to make a short post talking about what I've b…